* Sea-Bird SBE 9 Data File: * FileName = D:\CTD Data\2021\PE21_17_DiMarco_CTD\XR1_OA_S1_2.hex * Software Version Seasave V * Temperature SN = 1119 * Conductivity SN = 2100 * Number of Bytes Per Scan = 40 * Number of Voltage Words = 5 * Number of Scans Averaged by the Deck Unit = 24 * System UpLoad Time = Apr 20 2021 18:11:09 * NMEA Latitude = 28 14.71 N * NMEA Longitude = 091 46.30 W * NMEA UTC (Time) = Apr 20 2021 18:11:06 * Store Lat/Lon Data = Append to Every Scan * SBE 11plus V 5.2 * number of scans to average = 24 * pressure baud rate = 9600 * NMEA baud rate = 9600 * surface PAR voltage added to scan * A/D offset = 2 * Latitude/Longitude added to scan * GPIB address = 1 * advance primary conductivity 0.073 seconds * advance secondary conductivity 0.073 seconds * autorun on power up is disabled * S> * System UTC = Apr 20 2021 18:11:09 # nquan = 20 # nvalues = 2 # units = specified # name 0 = prDM: Pressure, Digiquartz [db] # name 1 = t090C: Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] # name 2 = t190C: Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C] # name 3 = c0S/m: Conductivity [S/m] # name 4 = c1S/m: Conductivity, 2 [S/m] # name 5 = sbeox0ML/L: Oxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l] # name 6 = sbox0Mm/Kg: Oxygen, SBE 43 [umol/kg] # name 7 = altM: Altimeter [m] # name 8 = v0: Voltage 0 # name 9 = v2: Voltage 2 # name 10 = timeJ: Julian Days # name 11 = latitude: Latitude [deg] # name 12 = longitude: Longitude [deg] # name 13 = sbeox0V: Oxygen raw, SBE 43 [V] # name 14 = oxsolML/L: Oxygen Saturation, Garcia & Gordon [ml/l] # name 15 = sal00: Salinity, Practical [PSU] # name 16 = sal11: Salinity, Practical, 2 [PSU] # name 17 = sbeox0ML/L: Oxygen, SBE 43 [ml/l], WS = 2 # name 18 = sbox0Mm/Kg: Oxygen, SBE 43 [umol/kg], WS = 2 # name 19 = flag: flag # span 0 = 2.000, 3.000 # span 1 = 23.2716, 23.3592 # span 2 = 23.2699, 23.3633 # span 3 = 5.315251, 5.324462 # span 4 = 5.313528, 5.323284 # span 5 = 4.6952, 4.7066 # span 6 = 204.588, 205.079 # span 7 = 85.67, 100.03 # span 8 = 2.8113, 2.8114 # span 9 = 4.4886, 4.4889 # span 10 = 110.757780, 110.758149 # span 11 = 28.24507, 28.24514 # span 12 = -91.77185, -91.77182 # span 13 = 2.8096, 2.8129 # span 14 = 4.83539, 4.83983 # span 15 = 36.4443, 36.4454 # span 16 = 36.4319, 36.4335 # span 17 = 4.6930, 4.7072 # span 18 = 204.493, 205.107 # span 19 = 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00 # interval = decibars: 1 # start_time = Apr 20 2021 18:11:06 [NMEA time, header] # bad_flag = -9.990e-29 # # # # # 1119 # 17-Mar-20 # 1 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.000 # 4.80243624e-003 # 6.65138151e-004 # 2.40209308e-005 # 1.87861749e-006 # 1000.000 # 1.00000000 # 0.0000 # # # # # # 2100 # 05-Feb-20 # 1 # # 0.0000 # 2000.0000 # 0 # # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.0 # -9.57000000e-008 # # # -9.74530002e+000 # 1.32566792e+000 # -2.38328774e-003 # 2.33237640e-004 # -9.57000000e-008 # 3.2500e-006 # # 0.00000000e+000 # # 1.00000000 # 0.00000 # # # # # # 0461 # 11-Feb-20 # -4.244351e+004 # 4.166578e-002 # 1.316300e-002 # 3.513100e-002 # 0.000000e+000 # 3.028370e+001 # -2.660010e-004 # 4.083110e-006 # 2.653090e-009 # 1.00003619 # -0.74670 # 0.000000e+000 # 1.281640e-002 # -9.225620e+000 # # # # # # 1811 # March 22, 2019 # 1 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.000 # 4.85254045e-003 # 6.75849004e-004 # 2.66353389e-005 # 2.13216121e-006 # 1000.000 # 1.00000000 # 0.0000 # # # # # # 3044 # 27-Mar-19 # 1 # # 0.0000 # 2000.0000 # 0 # # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.0 # -9.57000000e-008 # # # -9.90177357e+000 # 1.40192825e+000 # -5.19565512e-005 # 8.39074206e-005 # -9.57000000e-008 # 3.2500e-006 # # 0.00000000e+000 # # 1.00000000 # 0.00000 # # # # # # 3588 # 08-Feb-20 # 1 # # # 0.0000 # 0.0000e+000 # 0.0000 # 0.00e+000 # 0.0000 # 0.0 # # # # 4.3474e-001 # -0.4995 # -4.5223e-003 # 1.9740e-004 # -2.7831e-006 # 2.5826e+000 # 1.92634e-004 # -4.64803e-002 # 3.6000e-002 # 1.1900 #






# # # # 3589 # 08-Feb-20 # 1 # # # 0.0000 # 0.0000e+000 # 0.0000 # 0.00e+000 # 0.0000 # 0.0 # # # # 4.7134e-001 # -0.5027 # -4.4108e-003 # 1.5951e-004 # -2.3756e-006 # 2.5826e+000 # 1.92634e-004 # -4.64803e-002 # 3.6000e-002 # 1.3200 #






# # # # 868DR # 2-15-2021 # 20.1447 # -1.1563 # 0.250 # # # # # # 0937 # # 14.190 # 0.000 # # # # # # 1374 # 2/10/20 # 87.000 # # 0.004 # # # # # # 088-139 # 18-06-2019 # 0.138470 # 1.395780 # 0.180950 # 1.000000 # 1.000000 # 0.000000 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 1 # 1.0000e+000 # 0.00000000 # # #
# datcnv_date = Apr 23 2021 16:18:15, [datcnv_vars = 15] # datcnv_in = D:\CTD_ALL_CRUISEs\XR1_CTD_SeaSoft\0DAT\XR1_OA_S1_2.hex D:\CTD_ALL_CRUISEs\XR1_CTD_SeaSoft\0DAT\XR1_OA_S1_2.XMLCON # datcnv_skipover = 0 # datcnv_ox_hysteresis_correction = yes # datcnv_ox_tau_correction = no # filter_date = Apr 23 2021 16:18:41, # filter_in = D:\CTD_ALL_CRUISEs\XR1_CTD_SeaSoft\1CNV\XR1_OA_S1_2.cnv # filter_low_pass_tc_A = 0.030 # filter_low_pass_tc_B = 0.150 # filter_low_pass_A_vars = # filter_low_pass_B_vars = prDM # alignctd_date = Apr 23 2021 16:18:59, # alignctd_in = D:\CTD_ALL_CRUISEs\XR1_CTD_SeaSoft\2FIL\XR1_OA_S1_2.cnv # alignctd_adv = c0S/m 0.073, c1S/m 0.073, sbeox0ML/L 3.500, sbox0Mm/Kg 3.500, sbeox0V 3.500, oxsolML/L 3.500 # celltm_date = Apr 23 2021 16:19:18, # celltm_in = D:\CTD_ALL_CRUISEs\XR1_CTD_SeaSoft\3ALI\XR1_OA_S1_2.cnv # celltm_alpha = 0.0300, 0.0300 # celltm_tau = 7.0000, 7.0000 # celltm_temp_sensor_use_for_cond = primary, secondary # loopedit_date = Apr 23 2021 16:19:38, # loopedit_in = D:\CTD_ALL_CRUISEs\XR1_CTD_SeaSoft\4CEL\XR1_OA_S1_2.cnv # loopedit_minVelocity = 0.010 # loopedit_surfaceSoak: minDepth = 0.5, maxDepth = 2, useDeckPress = 0 # loopedit_excl_bad_scans = no # Derive_date = Apr 23 2021 16:20:19, [derive_vars = 4] # Derive_in = D:\CTD_ALL_CRUISEs\XR1_CTD_SeaSoft\5LOOP\XR1_OA_S1_2.cnv D:\CTD_ALL_CRUISEs\XR1_CTD_SeaSoft\5LOOP\XR1_OA_S1_2.XMLCON # derive_time_window_docdt = seconds: 2 # derive_ox_tau_correction = no # binavg_date = Apr 23 2021 16:20:55, # binavg_in = D:\CTD_ALL_CRUISEs\XR1_CTD_SeaSoft\6DEV\XR1_OA_S1_2.cnv # binavg_bintype = decibars # binavg_binsize = 1 # binavg_excl_bad_scans = yes # binavg_skipover = 0 # binavg_omit = 0 # binavg_min_scans_bin = 1 # binavg_max_scans_bin = 2147483647 # binavg_surface_bin = yes, min = 0.000, max = 0.000, value = 0.000 # file_type = ascii *END* 2.000 23.3592 23.3633 5.324462 5.323284 4.6952 204.588 100.03 2.8114 4.4889 110.757780 28.24514 -91.77182 2.8096 4.83539 36.4443 36.4319 4.6930 204.493 0.0000e+00 3.000 23.2716 23.2699 5.315251 5.313528 4.7066 205.079 85.67 2.8113 4.4886 110.758149 28.24507 -91.77185 2.8129 4.83983 36.4454 36.4335 4.7072 205.107 0.0000e+00